The Wee Free Men The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"There it is. A definite ripple in the walls of the world. Very worrying. There's probably another world making contact. That's never good. I ought to go there. But… according to my left elbow, there's a witch there already." (1.6)

Miss Tick feels magic throughout her body, which can lead to some pretty strange findings. For example, she knows that another witch is around due to her left elbow. What the what?

Quote #2

"Once you learn about magic, I mean really learn about magic, learn everything you can learn about magic, then you've got the most important lesson still to learn," said Miss Tick. (2.50)

When Tiffany first meets Miss Tick, she has no idea what real magic entails and all her ideas about witches are taken from storybooks and rumors. Miss Tick is ready to set her straight.

Quote #3

"Er, no," said Tiffany. "The important thing about magic," she added haughtily, "is to know when not to use it." (4.260)

Tiffany really knows how to hedge her way around the lack of magical power thing. She claims that she's not going to use magic when the pictsies ask her about it.