The Wee Free Men Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Even with the edge of the fury dying away, it was hard looking at things here without her head aching. Things that seemed far off got closer too quickly, trees changed shaped as they passed them. (8.193)

Fairyland is certainly stranger than Tiffany thought it would be. First of all, it doesn't seem very real at all—it's more like a dream than a real place, which isn't something she's come across before.

Quote #5

The track led uphill a little, into what looked like a much thicker mist. It glowed faintly. She headed for it. There was no other way to go. (9.196)

Even though she doesn't have a map or real directions, Tiffany knows that she must carry on with her quest. She can't stop now—she's too deep into the strange new world.

Quote #6

Doors everywhere, she thought. The old kelda said there's doors everywhere. I must find a door. But there's just snow and a few trees… (11.105)

As she explores, Tiffany is aware that she needs to find a way out when she can. They're in a stark landscape, but a key part of exploring is finding your way home again.