The Wee Free Men The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And it stayed there, crackling, and two dogs formed.

Steam rose from their coats and blue light sparked from their ears as they shook themselves. (13.68-69)

The Queen's not the only one who has powerful magic on her side. Tiffany has her Nac Mac Feegles clan and some magical lightning and thunder dogs that her Granny Aching sent.

Quote #8

The Queen was as light as a baby and changed shape madly in Tiffany's arms—into monsters and mixed-up beasts, things with claws and tentacles. But at last she was small and gray, like a monkey with a large head and big eyes and a little downy chest that went up and down as she panted. (13.156)

We knew it, and so did Tiffany—the Queen doesn't look like a beautiful lady after all. She's actually a weird little magical creature, and she uses dreams to disguise her appearance.

Quote #9

"Nicely said," said Mistress Weatherwax. "You're sharp. But there's magic, too. You'll pick that up. It doesn't take much intelligence, otherwise wizards wouldn't be able to do it." (14.110)

When Tiffany finally meets more witches, she learns that she will be able to learn magic. She'll be taught the ways when she's old enough… but even without that, she's already a witch.