The Wee Free Men The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Well, spiders spin webs. Dromes spin dreams. It's easy in this place. The world you come from is nearly real. This place is nearly unreal, so it's almost a dream anywa'." (8.148)

The supernatural creatures in Fairyland are definitely a product of the Queen's dreams (or nightmares, depending). The dromes are a literal product of this—they actually trap people in dreams, which is worse than it sounds.

Quote #5

Little things were wrong, though. There were hundreds of people in the room, but the ones in the distance, although they were moving about in quite a natural way, seemed the same as the trees—blobs and swirls of colors. (9.93)

Tiffany learns how to spot the inconsistencies that tip her off to the fact that she's in a magical dream. She knows how to see through the pretty façade and to look for the areas that don't look like real life.

Quote #6

"That kind of physical magic is, indeed, very hard. But I can make you think I've done the most… terrible things. And that, little girl, is all I need to do." (11.13)

The Queen is so unpleasant. She may not have the power to actually hurt Tiffany physically, but she can make her think that she's being tortured—which is arguably just as bad.