What Pet Should I Get? Appearances Quotes

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Quote #1

I took one fast look…
I saw a fine dog who shook hands.
So we shook.
So I said,
"I want him!" (3.1-5)

Well, that was quick. The narrator is clearly one to judge a pet by his manners. Imagine what he'd do if he met an elephant that could manage a perfect table setting. Sold!

Quote #2

Then I looked all around.
I saw something with wings.
I said, "Look at him!
We can pick one that sings." (9.1-4)

Dogs and cats are all well and good, but there are funnier-looking animals about that could make great pets—like exotic, feathered birds and monkeys.

Quote #3

I saw a new kind!
And they were good, too!
How could I pick one?
Now what should I do? (17.1-5)

The more the narrator and Kay look around, the more their indecision grows. Seeing lots of pets isn't exactly helping them to choose one; instead it's confusing them.