When Harry Met Sally Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from When Harry Met Sally.

Quote #4

HARRY: I have decided that for the rest of the day we are going to talk like this.

SALLY: (Plays along) Like this?

HARRY: No, please, to repeat after me. Pepper.

SALLY: Pepper.

HARRY: Pepper.

We'd write out the whole bit for you, but we think it's best seen and not read. And if you're wondering what this scene could possibly have to do with friendship, just look at the chemistry between these two. Clearly, at the end of the day, Harry and Sally have fun together.

Quote #5

HARRY: It's just like most of the time you go to bed with someone, she tells you her stories, you tell her your stories. But with Sally and me, we've already heard each other's stories, so once we went to bed, we didn't know what we were suppose to do, you know?

Now we're getting down to it. See, the real problem isn't that sex gets in the way of friendship, it's that friendship gets in the way of sex—by making the morning after horribly awkward.

Quote #6

SALLY: Anyway, it's about old friends.

She's talking about "Auld Lang Syne," of course—the class New Year's Eve song. We think her point here is that no matter what they've been through, she and Harry are friends, through and through.