Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Quote #4

MARVIN: Come my dear Jessica. I'm over here. I've got everything you need, right here, on the bed.

JESSICA: Oh, not tonight Marvin. I have a headache.

MARVIN: But Jessica! You promised.

JESSICA: Oh...all right. But this time take off that hand buzzer.

MARVIN: Patty cake! Patty cake! Patty cake, patty cake...

Eddie doesn't trust Jessica after catching her in the act of playing patty cake with another man. Seeing this makes it hard for him to believe anything she is saying. But later on, we learn she did this to protect Roger. She was always loyal to him after all.

Quote #5

ROGER: Somebody must have made her do it.

Even when faced with photographic evidence of his wife's patty cake indiscretion, Roger still trusts her. Eddie and Maroon think he's being ridiculous, but he turns out to be right.

Quote #6

BABY HERMAN: Valiant. The rabbit didn't kill Acme. He's not a murderer. I should know. He's a dear friend of mine. I tell you Valiant, the whole thing stinks like yesterday's diapers. Look at this. The paper says Acme left no will. That's a load of succotash. Every Toon knows Acme had a will. He promised to leave Toontown to us Toons. That will is the reason he got bumped off!

Roger needs to find some better character witnesses. His two biggest supporters are a foul-mouthed baby and an adulterous (in Eddie's mind) nightclub singer. Their testimonies don't inspire Eddie to swear his loyalty to Roger.