The Wild Children Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

At first Alex tried to pretend that he was on a great adventure to a foreign land, a pioneer, a crusader, and explorer, a discoverer. (2.42)

At first, Alex turns to his imagination for refuge from reality. That doesn't work out too well, though—instead of playing make-believe and sugar coating his predicament, Alex needs to confront his situation head-on. It's a tall order, but we just know that he'll step up.

Quote #5

Miska now came up with his old red book. He said nothing, just pressed it upon Alex. (6.65)

In many ways, Alex acts like a father figure to Miska. This is a huge sign of growth on his part since it shows him placing others' needs ahead of his own, just like his parents did for him.

Quote #6

For perhaps the first time, Alex paid no attention to the orders of others […] Alex bent down. (7.13)

This is a huge moment for Alex. First, he's actually thinking for himself for once. That's awesome. More importantly, however, he's taking a big risk to help someone who truly needs it.