How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Despite the exhausting run from the shelter, and the astounding and shocking thing he had just heard from Peter, his mind seemed clearer than it had been in months. (10.91)
That's what you call growing up, Alex old buddy. Alex has endured a lot over the past few months, but these most recent events—the death of Miska and Peter's murder of the director—are perhaps the most heartbreaking. But the truth is that it's exactlythese sorts of tragedies that we need to jumpstart us into action and force ourselves to grow up.
Quote #8
Could that first loss have been only months ago—not years? He felt so much older. (10.104)
Alex's life has been stuck on fast-forward, and in a matter of months, he's become more mature than most college-aged kids. To be honest, we could hardly tie our shoelaces when we were his age.
Quote #9
Alex thought, that's the way I felt the day I ran to Katriana, not knowing what to do. But there was no Katriana for Peter. (11.2)
This is another key moment for Alex. Ever since Alex has been on the streets, Peter has acted almost like a father to him, caring for him when no one else would. But now Peter is the one who needs to be cared for, and Alex is more than happy to repay his friend's kindness.