The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 37

My fear reached a new height, until for a minute I thought I would die of it, was dying, for I could not conceive of a man being able to endure such shocks and starts… (9.55)

Uh-oh. That door at the end of the hallway that was locked this whole time is now mysteriously open—never a good sign. But is it more frightening to see what's in there, or to go downstairs and not know?

Arthur Kipps

Quote 38

I was paralyzed, rooted to the spot on which I stood, and all the world went dark around me and the shouts and happy cries of all the children faded. (12.24)

Now that Arthur has learned how to feel fear, he feels plenty of it when he sees the woman in black again. Unfortunately, just feeling fear isn't enough to save his wife and child.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 39

[It was] a modest house and yet sure of itself, and then looking across at the country beyond. I had no sense of having been here before, but an absolute conviction that I would come here again (1.10)

Arthur makes serious real estate decisions based off of how much he likes the way the outside of a cottage looks. Good thing that one worked out.