The Woman in Black Arthur Kipps Quotes

Arthur Kipps

Quote 52

But what is perhaps remarkable is how well I can remember the minutest detail of that day; for all that nothing untoward had yet happened, and my nerves were steady. (2.7)

Young Arthur has no idea what's about to happen to him. They say hindsight is 20/20 and we suppose it's true in this case.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 53

Had I known that my untroubled night of good sleep was to be the last such that I was to enjoy for so many terrifying, racked and weary nights to come, perhaps I should not have jumped out of bed with such alacrity… (4.21)

More reasons to stay in bed for an extra few minutes: so you don't have to get up and face a day that involves scary angry ghost women. Good enough for us.

Arthur Kipps

Quote 54

…and because the cry of that child would never, I was sure, leave me for the rest of my life. (8.31)

It's hard to ignore the call of a child who appears to be dying in anguish, and we're betting that a ghost child is even harder to ignore. That's something Arthur and the woman in black have in common.