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Statistics, Data, and Probability II Videos 30 videos
Statistics, Data, and Probability II Drill 1, Problem 2. Based on the chart, which of the following statements is true?
CAHSEE Math Statistics, Data, and Probability II: Drill Set 1, Problem 3. Based on the following, which of the following statements is true?
Statistics, Data, and Probability II: Drill Set 1, Problem 4. Which of the following pie charts correctly represents the data given in the table?
CAHSEE Math 4.5 Statistics, Data, and Probability II 176 Views
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Statistics, Data, and Probability II Drill 4 Problem 5. Based on the graph, which of the following statements is true?
- 00:03
Shmoopy question at 10 o’clock…
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The following plot shows the relationship between the amount of postsecondary education
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and the amount of student loan debt for several students.
- 00:12
Kinda makes you want to take over the family restaurant instead, doesn’t it?
- 00:16
Based on the graph, which of the following statements is true?
Full Transcript
- 00:19
And here are the potential answers...
- 00:27
Can we read a scatter plot? It may SOUND gross… but these puppies are really useful.
- 00:32
There’s no magic bullet to help us answer this one – we just have to go through the
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potential answers one by one. And Boom. We don’t have to go far.
- 00:39
Option A says that there is a positive correlation between amount of education and debt –
- 00:46
and yeah – they both go up as they increase.
- 00:49
They are said to be POSITIVELY correlated.
- 00:52
All the other choices go the wrong way – that is, when the x axis increases, the y decreases
- 00:57
and vice versa.
- 00:58
So… let’s not waste time needlessly. That’s a job for the House of Representatives.
- 01:03
A is our answer.
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