Good Versus Evil Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There are those amongst the elders who cannot accept that our time is past, that this age belongs to the humani. They want to see a return to the old ways, and they believe that their puppet Dee and others like him are in a position to bring that about. They are called the Dark Elders. (10.57)

So if this age belongs to the humani, does that mean the next age belongs to someone else? The Torc Allta, maybe? Or the elders themselves? It sounds like Flamel is suggesting that the Dark Elders are too impatient to wait their turn. But if Hekate's version of history is right, the elders will bounce back eventually, right?

Quote #5

The Alchemyst had known the Awakening could, in all likelihood, send him and Sophie into a coma, and yet had still been prepared to let them go through with it. The rage burned within him, fueled in equal parts by fear and a terrible sense of betrayal. He thought Flamel was his friend. He'd been wrong. (25.52)

Wait a minute. We thought Flamel was a good character. But now we learn that Flamel willingly risked Sophie's life, just to Awaken her so he could steal back the book from Dee. Um, not cool, dude. A little heads up would have been nice.

Quote #6

Dora wrapped her arms around Scathach's shoulders and put her mouth close to her ear. Her voice dropped to little more than a whisper. "I have given this girl a rare and terrible power. Make sure this power is used for good." (36.51)

Good tip, Dora. But why does she tell Scatty this info, and not Sophie herself? Maybe Sophie isn't ready for such horrifying news. Or maybe Dora's worried that Sophie won't use her powers for good without Scatty's guidance. Either way, we get the feeling that Sophie has a lot to learn about herself in the coming days.