Good Versus Evil Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Elders have the powers and the abilities to reshape this world. They can make the deserts bloom […] and they can cure disease. Remember, these beings were worshiped as gods because of their powers. And these are the ones Flamel is trying to stop us from bringing back to the world. (37.53-57)

Dee has a point. The elders are awesome. And we really did worship them once, at least according to the world of The Alchemyst. But should we trust him? And more importantly, should Josh? What's really going on here is a battle between Flamel's version of events and Dee's. Which one seems more plausible at this point, and why?

Quote #8

Elders like Hekate and the Witch of Endor, for example […] want the world to dissolve into chaos and anarchy. When that happens, they can come out of the shadows and declare themselves the rulers of the earth. (37.59)

Dee makes some pretty big accusations against Hekate and Dora, but they also sound eerily similar to the harsh accusations Flamel threw at the Dark Elders earlier. We guess we'll just have to keep on reading to find out who's right and who's wrong.

Quote #9

Even in his drowsy state, an alarm bell—very faint and very, very distant—went off in Josh's head. He couldn't trust Dee, he shouldn't trust Dee […] and yet so much of what he said had the ring of truth to it. (37.65)

Here's the thing: just because someone's evil, it doesn't necessarily make him incorrect. As we said before, Dee has a point. And his version of events seems plausible. But then, maybe we're just under the same hypnotic spell that Josh is.