The Supernatural Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Alchemyst knew that everyone has the possibility for magic within them. Once it had been sparked into life, it tended to become increasingly powerful of its own accord. (17.15)

So anyone has the possibility to become a magician, even us Shmoopers? Awesome.

Quote #8

Every magician has his or her own distinctive odor; rather like a magical footprint. (17.32)

There are a lot of smells in this novel, and it seems as though good characters have nice scents or "magical footprints," while bad characters stink (literally). Check out "Symbolic Scents" under "Symbols" for more.

Quote #9

But magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses. The humani have cut themselves off from the senses. Now they see only in a tiny portion of the visible spectrum, hear only the loudest of sounds, their sense of smell is shockingly poor, and they can only distinguish the sweetest and sourest of tastes. (24.54)

Well no wonder all humans have magical potential inside them—all humans have five senses, right? But Hekate is making another, even more interesting point here, too: lots of other creatures can hear more or see more than we can, like dogs that can hear high whistles, and bats that can "see" in the dark. If humans could tap into these abilities would we call it magic? It's also worth noting that Hekate is basically saying we humans are a bunch of unsubtle dunces. Gee, thanks.