The Supernatural Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

And before you say this is all far-fetched, just think how far the human race has come in the past ten years. If someone had told your parents, for example, that they would be able to carry their entire music library in their pocket, would they have believed it? […] Today we are able to do what your parents would have dismissed as impossible and your grandparents as nothing short of magical. (30.24)

He may not be perfect, but Flamel's got a point. Advanced technology, like advanced science, can be seen as magical because it accomplishes great things in fascinating, often inscrutable (at least to the average Joe) ways. At the end of the day The Alchemyst asks us to consider the possibility that science and magic may not be as different as we assume.