Sexuality Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Naked, evil, blackened with the sin of exhibitionism, the breeze blowing lewdly up the backs of her legs, inciting lust. (1.252)

Simply standing naked makes Carrie feel guilty and lustful, even though there's nothing inherently sinful about being naked. Carrie's Momma seems to have hammered it into her daughter's head that nakedness = lust.

Quote #2

Momma had told [Carrie] there was Something. The Something was dangerous, ancient, unutterably evil. (1.1.257)

The Something is simple sexuality. But Momma can't even put a name to it. Not naming something kind of makes it seem scarier—more forbidden or taboo—don't you think?

Quote #3

Her momma had torn the Something out of herself and was pure. Carrie hated her. (1.263-1.264)

Momma is trying to deny a basic fact of human existence: humans are sexual beings. Momma even thinks she is morally superior to other people because she denies herself sexual pleasure. As Carrie starts to discover the thrill of her own sexuality, she hates her mother for making her feel so ashamed of her body.