Appearances Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Carrie stood among [the girls] stolidly, a frog among swans. She was a chunky girl with pimples on her neck and back and buttocks, her wet hair completely without color. (1.8)

Okay, we get that Carrie is not conventionally attractive, but she seems to be the only girl in the school who is less than perfect. Is Chamberlain, Maine just Dawson's Creek under a different name?

Quote #2

"[Carrie] was such a pretty girl." (1.185)

Estelle says this as though she believes that pretty people can't be evil. She's clearly never seen American Psycho. Pretty people are the scariest.

Quote #3

[Carrie] thought her legs were actually pretty. […] She could stop the chocolates and her pimples would go down. They always did. She could fix her hair. Buy pantyhose and blue and green tights. […] The price of a bus ticket, a train ticket. She could be, could be, could be—Alive. (1.255-1.256)

Carrie seems to think that her life would be totally different if she were more attractive. Giving herself a makeover would be an escape from her old life.