Revenge Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Imagine Chris Hargensen all bloody and screaming for mercy. With rats crawling all over her face. Good. Good. That would be good. […] Crush in her head with a rock, with a boulder. Crush in all their heads. Good. Good. (1.139)

After the day she's had, can you blame Carrie for thinking such violent thoughts about her classmates? Yes, you can, we think. Because these are really scarily violent thoughts. But we do have some sympathy for the girl. Her classmates are really mean to her, and her mother's insanely fundamental religious beliefs seem to cause her mother to abuse her as well.

Quote #2

If only [Carrie] could make something like that happen whenever she liked. (1.152)

Carrie has just discovered that she might be able to control her telekinesis. And what's the first thing she thinks of? How nice it would be to use her power against other people. After being tormented for so long, Carrie just can't wait to use her newfound strength for revenge.

Quote #3

"[Ralph] left the house insured, too, but [Margaret] never got a penny of that. The damage was caused by an act of God. Poetic justice, huh?" (1.232)

Carrie drops the stones on the house out of self-defense, and out of revenge against her mother. We bet Margaret did believe at the time that the stones were an act of God, though. Then again, she believes pretty much everything is an act of God.