Violence Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The girls were bombarding her with tampons and sanitary napkins. (1.39)

Make no mistake: bullying is almost always violent in nature. The girls may only be throwing cottony products at Carrie, but this is still assault.

Quote #2

[Margaret] was suspended twice while she was here-once for beating a classmate with her purse. Legend has it that Margaret saw the classmate smoking a cigarette. Peculiar religious views. (1.118)

Margaret White might be deeply religious, but she's no quiet pushover. She's a fire-and-brimstone type who wants to vanquish "the sinners," whoever she thinks they may be.

Quote #3

If only [the Day of Judgment] would be today and Jesus coming not with a lamb and a shepherd's crook, but with a boulder in each hand to crush the laughers and the snickerers, to root out the evil and destroy it screaming—a terrible Jesus of blood and righteousness. (1.143)

Despite her resistance to many of her Momma's teachings, Carrie buys into the notion that all sinners should be punished violently. Including her bullies, and maybe even by her own hand. We're guessing these two have Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God somewhere on their bookshelf.