Carrie Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Stephen King started writing Carrie as a bet. He wrote it as a short story first, and because everyone hates short stories (tell that to Alice Munro) he chucked in the trash. His wife retrieved it, made him finish it, and—boom—his career was born.

King didn't see the need for another remake of Carrie unless it was directed by David Lynch or David Cronenberg. He didn't get his wish. Instead, the new Carrie got a female touch, with Kimberly Peirce in the director's chair.

Carrie: The Musical opened on Broadway in 1988 and it crashed and burned (pun intended). It was reborn in 2012. We don't know about you, but we'd be nervous to be in a theater with that girl. Save us… No wait, save yourselves…