Fight Club Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Fight Club.

Quote #4

TYLER: What are we then? […] We are consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. I say, never be complete. I say, stop being perfect. I say, let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.

Tyler thinks that capitalism is unnatural. Men weren't meant to be consumers. They are meant to be hunters and providers. Hunting for sales on Cyber Monday isn't even close to the same thing.

Quote #5

NARRATOR: By the end of the first month, I didn't miss TV. I didn't even mind the warm, stale refrigerator.

The Paper Street house is practically like living in the woods (Paper is made from wood!). It's the very definition of roughing it, often dealing with the elements leaking in and no electricity.

Quote #6

TYLER: Tell him. Tell him the liberator who destroyed my property has realigned my perception. […] Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions.

All the things Tyler wants our narrator to reject are things imposed upon him by "civilization." He wants to return to a primal state of being.