I Know This Much is True Chapter 19 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • We're still in 1969.
  • Dominick and Dessa are already arguing because Dominick hates her job as a waitress in a dive bar and wants her to quit, but she refuses to.
  • Meanwhile, at work, the guys get stoned all the time, and Thomas tries to tell Dominick to quit.
  • At the end of the chapter, present-day Dominick talks to Dr. Patel about past-tense Thomas.
  • He marvels at how Thomas still had the ability to care about others then; he wasn't self-absorbed like he is now. (Not that Dominick ever listened to him back then anyway.)
  • Dominick wonders if he'll ever have his brother back, and he wonders why mental illness chose Thomas, and skipped over him.