I Know This Much is True Chapter 46 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Dominick has a dream of pretty much everyone drowning, and is woken up by his ringing phone—it's Ray's doctor; his leg had to be amputated because of gangrene.
  • He goes to visit Ray, who is still knocked out from painkillers.
  • Dominick puts his grandfather's manuscript in a garbage bag and calls Dr. Patel. He speculates that Grandpa raped his mother, and his grandfather is actually his father.
  • She says that's doubtful, though.
  • He goes back to visit Ray when he wakes up. He's conscious, but ranting from the medication, doing sports cheers and talking about baseball.
  • Dominick bumps into Dessa at the hospital. She's volunteering in children's hospice, because of all that guilt over her dead baby.
  • Ray regains his clarity, and Dominick helps him transfer to a retirement home.
  • Dominick visits him often, and helps him take his artificial leg for a spin.
  • They eat and go to the movies, which Ray chooses: The Little Mermaid.
  • It's quite the role reversal, the son now becoming the father. Dominick even has to help shave Ray, while Ray tells Dominick his life story.
  • Dominick asks Ray who his real father is, but Ray says he never talked about that with his wife.