I Know This Much is True Chapter 34 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • In the present, Dr. Patel gives Dominick a hot cup of tea and they cut to the chase: Dr. Patel wants Dominick to be consistent with his appointments.
  • He says he will, but he doesn't seem too sure about that.
  • They talk about what Dominick has been reading lately—not Grandpa's story, but the Bible. He's also read a few of Dr. Patel's reading recommendations. It's like a psychologist's book club.
  • Finally, they talk about Grandpa's story.
  • Dominick hates Domenico for being a jerk to, well, everyone.
  • Dr. Patel wonders how much of himself Dominick sees in Domenico.
  • They move on, and Dominick plays Joy's tape for Dr. Patel.
  • Dr. Patel tells Dominick that, yes, what Joy did was awful, but she is suffering, too; Dominick isn't the only martyr in the world putting his pain on display.
  • She encourages him to continue reading his grandfather's life story and sends him on his way.