Erin Bates

Character Analysis

Pretty… Opinionated

Erin is one of the gals at the House of Night who quickly becomes friends with Zoey. When Stevie Rae introduces Zoey to the "ridiculously pretty blonde" (9.15), here's Stevie Rae's intro: "Erin is the 'pretty one.' She's also funny and smart and has more shoes than anyone I've ever known" (9.15). Total package much?

Erin has no trouble making her opinion known. When the Dark Daughters are mentioned for the first time in Zoey's presence, Stevie Rae tries to stay neutral about them, but Erin says: "F*** that. They're hags from hell" (9.34). Yep—Erin is about as opinionated as they come, and she'll use swear words to back up her point.

She and Shaunee refer to each other as "Twin" since, according to Stevie Rae, "It's like they were separated at birth or something" (9.62.) They both have excellent taste in shoes, too, judging by Erin's "pointy-toed black leather stiletto boots" (9.64). And, strangely, they both were chosen by the same cat, Beelzebub.

Watery Mojo

In Zoey's ritual circle, Erin gets to be water. According to her, this totes makes sense: "I used to like to lay out, which involves swimming when I needed to cool off" (23.29). Okay—not sure we totally follow that logic, but whatever.

Even though Erin gets assigned water in the ritual circle Zoey creates, she's got a fiery temper. When Aphrodite snubs her, Erin looks pretty upset, "curling her fists and looking as if she might leap over the table at Aphrodite" (9.89). And as Stevie Rae points out, Erin and Shaunee fight with each other a bunch, too.

But as fiery as Erin can be, she's also fiercely loyal—she'll "never let anyone talk about you" (10.56)—and in the world of teenage drama, that means a lot.