Please Ignore Vera Dietz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Please Ignore Vera Dietz? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When does Vera start drinking alcohol?

At Charlie's memorial service
At home when she finds her dad's secret stash
After she starts hanging out with Jenny Flick
At prom
Q. Why does Charlie want to build the tree house so badly?

So that he can communicate with alien life forms
So he and Vera can make out in it
So he'll have a place to stay other than his parents' house
So that he and his dad can spend more quality time
Q. What special skill does Vera possess at the adoption center?

She's good at picking up dog poop.
She can tell which adoptions will work out.
She can understand cat language.
She can get people to spend tons of money.
Q. Why does Vera start drinking?

Because it makes her feel happy and safe for a moment
Because Charlie thinks it is cool
Because she's trying to rebel against her dad
Because she sees a really awesome Smirnoff's commercial
Q. How has the pagoda's utility echoed the town it stands in?

It's grown bigger and brighter.
It's gotten less and less classy.
It's now used to advertise a strip club.
It's turned classier and more elegant, just like the town has.