The Remains of the Day Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Miss Kenton's letter set off a certain chain of ideas to do with professional matters here at Darlington Hall. (1.9)

Stevens's memories are often set off by random occurrences, but perhaps the most important inspiration is Miss Kenton's letter.

Quote #2

[…] the letter from Miss Kenton, containing as it did, along with its long, rather unrevealing passages, an unmistakable nostalgia for Darlington Hall. (1.15)

"Nostalgia" is a tricky word. People who are nostalgic think of the past as somehow ideal and long to return to it. As the novel proceeds, nostalgia becomes increasingly problematic… because the past begins to seem extra ideal and rose-tinted.

Quote #3

However, let me return to my original thread. (1.40)

Stevens is often distracted by his memories, and even by memories within his memories. He has a hard time appreciating the scenery, which is what this trip was supposed to be about.