The Remains of the Day Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Membership […] remained closer to nine or ten. This, and the fact that the Hayes Society tended to be a rather secretive body, lent it much mystique for a time. (2.30)

The butler profession is a microcosm of society. Just as in the larger society, the butlers also have their elite, the members of the Hayes Society.

Quote #2

[…] I can declare that he was a truly good man at heart, a gentleman through and through, and one I am today proud to have given my best years of service to. (3.105)

Stevens suggests that Lord Darlington is not only a gentleman by birth, but also by virtue of his character. He's a good dude, in other words.

Quote #3

I must say, something about this small encounter put me in very good spirits; the simple kindness I had been thanked for, and the simple kindness I had been offered in return. (3.171)

Stevens's random encounter with a villager on the road impresses him with the kindness of ordinary people. But can this "simple kindness" carry over into politics as well?