The Remains of the Day Resources


A Profile of Kazuo Ishiguro

This article provides biographical information about the author. And this guy has lived a pretty cool life.

BBC Does History

The BBC has an awesomesauce website about British history, which includes helpful overviews, slideshows, and video clips. Use it to learn more about the history-packed Remains of the Day.

The Holocaust

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's site on all things related to the Holocaust, including the Nuremberg trials. Again, this'll put the Remains action in stark (and terrifying) historical relief.


The Remains of the Day (1993)

This Merchant and Ivory production features Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. It was nominated for eight Academy Awards. Why? Because it's almost as fantastic as the book is.


London, 1942

A propaganda film produced by the British Council. Learn all about WWII, y'all.


Churchill Takes the Stand

A recording of three speeches Winston Churchill gave during the war. They're pretty thrilling.


The Great English House

PBS's Masterpiece website offers some great examples of English manors. Highclere Castle is probably the closest to what Darlington Hall would have looked like. Not too shabby.