The Remains of the Day Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Do you think Stevens was in love with Miss Kenton? Or Miss Kenton in love with Stevens? How would the story be different if they had a passionate love affair?
  2. Do you think Lord Darlington is guilty of collaborating with the Nazis? Do you think Stevens is guilty by association? What would you do if your employer asked you to fire someone simply because of his or her race or religion?
  3. Presumably, Stevens's father (a "great" butler) got married. After all, he has two sons: one who died in the Boer War and Stevens himself. So why doesn't Stevens marry? Why doesn't Lord Darlington marry or have children?
  4. The novel ends with Stevens resolving to learn how to "banter," or joke around. Do you think he will ever master this? Why or why not?