Speak Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Come on Mel. You gotta come with us! My dad told me to bring anyone I wanted. We can give you a ride home after if you want. It'll be fun. You do remember fun, don't you?" (63.7)

David seems to really, really like Melinda as a friend…or more. The fact that she was raped by a high school boy who she thought was OK makes her think twice about even the most innocent sounding situations.

Quote #8

She is not any part of a pretend Rachelle-chick. I can only see third grade Rachel who liked barbeque potato chips and who braided pink […] thread into my hair that I wore for months until my mom made me take it out. (69.6)

Melinda never stops caring about Rachel. Remembering Rachel as a much younger girl makes Melinda realize how vulnerable she is to Andy.

Quote #9

Someone touches my arm gently. "Melinda?" It's Ivy. "Can you take the late bus? I want to show you something." (84.2)

That Ivy touches Melinda's arm "gently" tells us a lot about the friendship they are developing. Melinda has confided in Ivy very subtly. It's likely Ivy guesses she was attacked by Andy and is considering this when she touches her.