Speak Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"How can you say this? Why does everyone have that attitude? I don't understand any of this. If we want to be in the musical, then they should just let us. We could just stand on-stage or something if they don't like our singing. I hate high school." (15.5)

Heather is isolated by her new kid status. She's trying to break through into the Merryweather social scene in a thousand ways. We like the idea she has here. Sadly, the Marthas don't value good ideas. They just use and abuse Heather, increasing her isolation.

Quote #5

Deprived of Victim, Mom and Dad holler at each other. I turn up the music to drown out the noise. (16.9)

Melinda's parents' fighting isolates her from them. Part of why they are fighting is because they can see Melinda has a problem, but they have no clue what it is or how to help her.

Quote #6

How can I talk to them about that night? How can I start? (33.10)

Having a secret can feel really lonely. Have you ever felt like this? If so, what did you do? Were you able to find a way or not? Do you feel good about your choice? Why, or why not?