Speak Rachel Bruin Quotes

Her eyes meet mine for a second. "I hate you," [Rachel] mouths silently. (1.11)

This hurts, especially since Melinda and Rachel have been best friends since around kindergarten. Melinda never returns Rachel's hatred. In fact, love and care for Rachel motivate Melinda to talk about being raped.

Rachel Bruin

Quote 2

"How do you know what he meant to say. I mean, did he leave another book called 'Symbolism in My Books'? If he didn't then you could just be making all of this up." (49.11)

This is Rachel talking, but Laurie Halse Anderson also made these arguments about Nathaniel Hawthorne's <em>Scarlett Letter</em>, the book Rachel is talking about. Check out "Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory" section for more.