Three Times Lucky Chapter 16 Summary

Lavender Blues

  • By Monday morning, the Colonel still hasn't gotten in touch with them and Mo is more worried than ever. Even Miss Lana is worried by this point.
  • Mo and Dale head over to Lavender's place and are surprised to see that the whole place looks trashed. He hasn't been keeping it clean.
  • Dale realizes that Lavender is depressed because he's short on money.
  • Lavender's worried about how Miss Rose will survive financially now that she's kicking her husband out, but Mo says that she'll help him to come up with a thousand dollars. Lavender doesn't believe her, but she says that if Lavender fixes his racecar, she'll figure out a way to raise the money at this year's Mimosa Festival.
  • They peek out into the street and see Dale's bodyguard hiding behind a bush. How odd.