Three Times Lucky Chapter 17 Summary

Mr. Jesse's Final Contribution

  • Mo goes to the church, where the reverend's son tells her that they found the last hundred-dollar bill that Mr. Jesse left for them. He gives her a photocopy of it.
  • As she leaves the church, she hears Anna Celeste's mom berating her for having a terrible singing voice. Even though Anna Celeste is her sworn enemy, Mo tells her mother that Anna Celeste has the best singing voice in their class. That's nice.
  • At the café, Deputy Marla shows up for lunch and tells Mo that the oar is definitely the murder weapon.
  • After Marla finishes her lunch, Mo goes after her and gives her the photocopy of Mr. Jesse's hundred-dollar bill with a serial number on it. Instead of looking pleased, though, Marla looks like she's going to faint.
  • She thanks Mo and then gets right into her car and speeds away.
  • The Colonel finally calls after four days (breaking the three day rule), but after Miss Lana gets off the phone with him she looks disturbed.
  • Apparently the conversation was odd: He called Miss Lana "baby" and Mo "Moses." He never does that.