Three Times Lucky Chapter 7 Summary


  • When the Colonel and Mo walk back to the house, they're worried because they don't see the light from Mo's Elvis nightlight, which she always keeps on.
  • The Colonel tells her to stay back while he searches the house, but he just finds that the bulb has burned out—no one's hiding out in their home. Phew.
  • He asks her if she's scared, and they both admit that they're a little frightened. Then Mo says that she'll sleep with her door open and the Colonel says that he'll sleep on the sofa. That way, they won't be so scared.
  • In her room, Mo pulls out a notebook and writes to her upstream mother (what she calls her real mother) about Mr. Jesse's death.
  • She also calls Dale and tells him that he's probably a suspect in the murder since he was the last person to be seen with Mr. Jesse.
  • In the middle of the night, Mo wakes up to someone tapping on the window and freaks out, thinking that it's the murderer—but it's just Dale.
  • He's moaning and groaning about how he'll go to jail for the rest of his life (or get the electric chair), and Mo tells him to calm down; they'll figure out who the real killer is.
  • They decide to start their own detective agency, dubbing themselves the Desperado Detective Agency. They'll start searching for clues about the murderer right away.
  • As they're plotting, though, Dale looks up and his face goes pale. Mo follows his gaze and sees an unfamiliar man in her window. What in the world?
  • They start hollering for the Colonel since they're convinced that this guy is the killer… but he doesn't respond.
  • Mo and Dale creep over to the sofa, ready to wake up the Colonel. But they find Miss Lana there instead. She asks them why they're making so much noise, and Mo tells her that there's a killer at the window.