Three Times Lucky Chapter 22 Summary

A Town Full of Nobodies

  • Mo wakes up the next morning in Miss Rose's bed to find Dale watching her worriedly. He says that Miss Rose has gone to see a lawyer about his father moving out.
  • The only person in the house besides them is Deputy Marla, who assures them everything will be okay. She also asks if the Colonel has a lock box or something, since Slate is clearly convinced that he has a lot of money.
  • Mo says that she doesn't know anything about all of that but Marla keeps asking until Dale tells her that they have to go over to the tobacco barn to do their chores now.
  • After Marla's out of sight, Dale tells Mo that he has a bad feeling about Deputy Marla. Skeeter drops by, too, and says that the hundred-dollar bill was from a robbery, but the five-dollar bill was clean.
  • Dale is mad that she didn't tell him about the five-dollar bill and her suspicions that the Colonel was in on the heist, too. He says that he's sick of Mo looking for her upstream mother when she has all of these people here who love and care about her right here.
  • Mo apologizes and says that she understands—after all, she's being selfish by not appreciating her situation when other people have difficult family situations. She says that she hates Dale's daddy for hitting him.
  • Dale forgives her and they decide that they're partners again. Then they give his dog a bath.
  • Mo writes to her upstream mother and tells her about their fight, but she also includes a note to look for Miss Lana if she sees her around.