Three Times Lucky Chapter 9 Summary

The Cousin Information Network

  • The next morning, Mo and Dale go to Skeeter's house. Skeeter is only a year older than them, but she considers herself a lawyer-in-training. They're going to ask for her help.
  • They ask her to look into Mr. Jesse's girlfriend. Skeeter and her assistant reveal that Anna Celeste definitely knows that Dale is the boy that she saw at Mr. Jesse's, which worries Dale a lot.
  • Mo and Dale go to the café to help Miss Lana with the breakfast rush. Dale acts really awkward the whole time, though—he's bad at not looking guilty.
  • Miss Lana and the Reverend talk about the memorial service and decide that they'll host it at Creekside Church that Sunday.
  • The reverend's son comes up to them and asks them to look for his lost cat since Desperado Detectives has advertised that they'll find lost pets for free.