Three Times Lucky Chapter 4 Summary

Meeting Up at Lavender's

  • The next day, Mr. Jesse comes into the café for lunch and tries to get his pudding for free because he claims it tastes funny. Mo won't let him get away with his cheap schemes, though, so he leaves in a foul mood—as usual.
  • Mo and Dale decide to go check on his big brother Lavender, who is nineteen and lives in his own place. Mo has a huge crush on him and always asks him to marry her, though he always says no.
  • Dale shows up and tells Lavender that their dad came home and was drinking again. Apparently their father, Mr. Macon, is a mean drunk, which is why Lavender doesn't live at home anymore.
  • Even though it's going to be Karate Night at the café, Mo gets super excited when Lavender asks them to go to the racetrack tonight. She rushes back to the café to ask the Colonel for permission.
  • He asks for all the details and then tells her that she can go… so long as she's home by 10:00PM.