Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On


Average dive score: .5–2. Degree of difficulty: 1.5-2.0. GPA: 1.5. 

You've mastered all the less difficult dives, but it's time to branch out a little. This isn't high school anymore, and it's going to take a lot more to impress those judges. Also, your grades are hard to look at. Talent is meaningless if you get kicked off the team for blowing off class.


Average dive score: 2.5–4.5. Degree of difficulty: 1.5–1.7. GPA: 3.0. 

You're a decent diver, but not a great teammate. Being cranky and combative any time Coach offers feedback definitely isn't useful. Improve the attitude, put more effort into practice, and maybe you can keep competing.


Average dive score: 5–6. Degree of difficulty: 1.5–2.0. GPA: 2.5. 

Much like Rudy, nobody would mistake you for the best diver on the team, but the coaches definitely admire the effort.


Average dive score: 7–8. Degree of difficulty: 2.5–3.0. GPA: 3.0. 

Who says consistency is underrated? You always place highly and your GPA is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. Also, you almost did well enough to qualify for the Zone Championships. Go you.


Average dive score: 8.5–10. Degree of difficulty: 2.5–3.0. GPA: 3.8. 

Is there anything you can't do? You're naturally talented, more than dedicated, and the hard work you put in definitely shows. Next year, you don't want to just qualify—you want to win. And honey, you might do just that.