A Great and Terrible Beauty Chapter 11 Summary

  • Later Gemma pretends to have a headache so that she can be alone to think; she wants to find a way to control the power.
  • Kartik is in her room, and Gemma blocks him from leaving out the window so that she can ask him questions.
  • He actually agrees to answer them, so Gemma asks why he helped her today, and he says because the girls needed the help—and that Felicity should stick to her own kind.
  • Then Gemma asks him who is so afraid of her visions, but he doesn't want to tell her anything, so she threatens to scream and pin him for a thief. 
  • Quick as lightning, Kartik has her against the wall and tells her that he is part of a group called the Rakshana and they are the guardians of the realms and won't let it go.
  • When Gemma asks again who wants her, he tells her it is the Order and Circe, the same name that Amar used to warn her mother before she died.
  • Well if Gemma was looking for real answers, it seems Kartik isn't going to give them to her.
  • Pleading for him to tell her something, she tells him about her dream and he doesn't believe her—he says the dream was just an illusion and that she should forget it.
  • Gemma decides she is going to find her mother.