A Great and Terrible Beauty Lies Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Yes, I am, as you put it, quite all right." I could laugh, it's such a lie—I am most certainly not all right. (3.46)

Gemma lies to Tom about being okay after her mother's death—though since she is answering his cryptic question about whether she is a virgin or not, perhaps this isn't a lie. While Tom isn't lying in his question, communication would be a whole lot clearer if he'd just say what he means.

Quote #2

That's what living in their world is—a big lie. An illusion where everyone looks the other way and pretends that nothing unpleasant exists at all, no goblins of the dark, no ghosts of the soul. (3.46)

This is a pretty mature and insightful thought Gemma has, and it shows how much she thinks about life and truth and who she wants to be.

Quote #3

"Gemma, Mother's murder is a blight on this family. It would be scandalous if the true facts were known." He stares at me. "Mother died of cholera," he says emphatically, as if even he believes the lie now. (3.47)

Tom is trying desperately to keep the family out of gossip, to make sure they stay in good standing in society—it ensures he and Gemma will both be able to marry into a lot of money. Funny how Gemma doesn't care about this though, and instead wants nothing to do with the lie.