A Great and Terrible Beauty Secrets Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And I could only stand by, helpless and mute, the cause of it all. The keeper of a secret so terrible it made me afraid to speak, scared that it would pour out of me like kerosene, burning everyone. (3.8)

In this instance, the secret of how her mother died is heavy and dangerous—she would give anything to let it out without hurting anyone, but doesn't feel that she can.

Quote #2

My hands shake in my lap. I could tell him. I could tell him what I've kept locked tight inside. (3.42)

Gemma longs to confide in her brother, but he is a jerk, and since he doesn't really care about her, she keeps it inside instead.

Quote #3

Mary Dowd's diary sits quietly inside my cape, her secrets weighing the pocket down against my thigh. (10.3)

Where better to find secrets than in a diary, right? And this is the best kept, super detailed diary ever written. Gemma and the gang learn loads from reading it.