A Great and Terrible Beauty Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from A Great and Terrible Beauty.

Women and Femininity Quotes

A sudden fear takes root […] conversations I've overhead in my father's study—tales […] about the fate of an unescorted woman, overpowered by bad men, her life ruined forever. (2.10)

Versions of Reality Quotes

My scream implodes inside me. Mother looks back, sees the dagger lying there, grabs it. The thing howls in outrage. She's going to fight it. She's going to be alright. […] In one swift motion, sh...

Family Quotes

We used to go everywhere together, my mother and I—visiting ancient temples, exploring local museums, watching Hindu festivals, staying up late to see the streets bloom with candlelight Now, she...

Power Quotes

"An actress," Tom sneers. "What sort of way is that for a woman to live, without a solid home, husband, children? Running about like she's her own lord and master. She'll certainly never be accepte...

Secrets Quotes

And I could only stand by, helpless and mute, the cause of it all. The keeper of a secret so terrible it made me afraid to speak, scared that it would pour out of me like kerosene, burning everyone...

Supernatural Quotes

At the smell of roses, I snap my eyes open. The little girl from the ally stands in front of me, shimmering. She beckons me with her hand. "This way." (7. 127-128)

Society and Class Quotes

"What are they doing?""Putting in lines for electric lights," Tom answers, coughing into a white handkerchief with his initials stitched on a corner in a distinguished black script. (3.24-25)

Lies Quotes

"Yes, I am, as you put it, quite all right." I could laugh, it's such a lie—I am most certainly not all right. (3.46)