A Great and Terrible Beauty Chapter 31 Summary

  • The new Order is feeling under the weather, and Gemma looks dog-tired. 
  • In French class, Gemma can't respond to a simple question and Mademoiselle LeFarge becomes angry that she is being mischievous and not speaking in French—it was only two days before that she spoke it perfectly.
  • Mrs. Nightwing tells the four girls to walk outside and get fresh air.
  • Gemma tells them about Sarah being alive and they search the school for the photo from 1871.
  • They can't find it, but then Gemma looks at the photo from 1872—it's all wrinkled—and finds the 1871 photo behind it.
  • Sarah's face is unclear because she turned her head… but the photo of Mary Dowd reveals that she's Gemma's mom. 
  • The plot thickens…