A Great and Terrible Beauty Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

At the smell of roses, I snap my eyes open.

The little girl from the ally stands in front of me, shimmering. She beckons me with her hand. "This way." (7. 127-128)

The supernatural really begins here, with a figure from Gemma's vision showing up in real time, and leading Gemma to the caves where she finds the diary.

Quote #2

She puts the scrap in my open palm. It's blue silk, torn and soiled around the edges, as if it might have been ripped by a branch. My legs shake so that I have to lean against the first tree I see. (10.77)

This is the first clue Gemma gets that she has power or that supernatural things may be happening beyond just visions. Now that she has evidence of crossing between dreams and reality, Gemma is in shock.

Quote #3

"Oh, yes. These women could help spirits cross over into the afterlife. They had the power of prophecy and clairvoyance. The veil between the supernatural world and this one was a very thin one for them. They could see and feel things that others couldn't." (12.55)

Miss Moore seems to be a treasure trove of supernatural lore. In this one little snippet, Gemma discovers more about her magical powers, and so do we.