A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I had spent more than a month in the forest when I finally ran into people again. The only living things I had met were monkeys, snakes, wild pigs, and deer, none of which I could have a conversation with. Sometimes I watched the little monkeys practice jumping from tree to tree or watched the curious eyes of a deer that sensed my presence. The sounds of branches snapping off trees became my music. There were certain days when the sounds of the branches breaking made a consistent rhythm that I would enjoy very much, and the sonority of it would echo for a while and would gradually fade into the depths of the forest. (8.16)

Ishmael spends a whole bunch of time in the forest hiding out and, though he's lonely, it's clear this is a calming period for him. Nature is a respite from the troubles of his own world.

Quote #5

It was the Atlantic Ocean. The sounds we had heard were those of the waves hitting the shore. I had seen parts of the ocean but had never stood at the shore of one this vast. It spread out beyond the vision of my eyes. The sky was at its bluest and seemed to curve down and join with the ocean in the distance. My eyes widened, a smile forming on my face. Even in the middle of the madness there remained that true and natural beauty, and it took my mind away from my current situation as I marveled at this sight. (9.6)

This is a beautiful, lyrical. Ishmael has been walking along and being afraid for so long, but the sight of the ocean reminds him that the world is still a beautiful place. Well, the natural world at least. People are still managing to muck things up pretty badly.

Quote #6

Some nights the sky wept stars that quickly floated and disappeared into the darkness before our wishes could meet them. Under these stars and sky I used to hear stories, but now it seemed as if it was the sky that was telling us a story as its stars fell, violently colliding with each other. The moon hid behind clouds to avoid seeing what was happening. (10.59)

Another moment where nature reflects the mood. Ishmael seems to think the sky is crying and the moon is hiding. We'd say that's a pretty good reaction to what's happening down below.