A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The path had ended, but we kept running until the sky swallowed the sun and gave birth to the moon. The bullets continued to fly behind us, but now their redness could be seen as they pierced through the bushes. The moon disappeared and took the stars with it, making the sky weep. Its tears saved us from the red bullets. (11.41)

This passage is another great illustration of the juxtaposition of beautiful language describing the natural world and…bullets.

Quote #8

We took the guns and ammunition off the bodies of my friends and left them there in the forest, which had taken on a life of its own, as if it had trapped the souls that had departed from the dead. The branches of the trees looked as if they were holding hands and bowing their heads in prayer. We crouched into the forest and formed another ambush a few meters away from our initial position. (13.14)

Ishmael seems to have grown up with the belief that people and nature are closely intertwined. He's just killed a bunch of people, and he thinks that the trees seem sad because of all the blood spilled around them. The natural world has been polluted and it mourns accordingly.

Quote #9

My nickname was "Green Snake," because I would situate myself in the most advantageous and sneaky position and would take out a whole village from under the tiniest shrub without being noticed. The lieutenant gave me the name. He said, "You don't look dangerous, but you are, and you blend with nature like a green snake, deceptive and deadly when you want to be." I was happy with my name, and on every raid I made sure I did as my name required. (16.22)

In the army, Ishmael becomes a predatory animal. He uses his natural ability to attack and kill those lower than him on the food chain. We're guessing snakes everywhere are pretty insulted by the metaphor.