How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Things die and they return. Is that biology or God or something Higher. Are we biology or God or something Higher. (3.1.207)
James doesn't use question marks here, which makes us hesitate to ask the question whether he's questioning his beliefs. Maybe he's just admitting that yes, we are biology, or God, or something Higher. Admitting this makes him calm.
Quote #8
Except for the God part, it sounds fine. (4.1.170)
Even though James is pretty much agreeing to make a confession to a priest so that he can be absolved of his sins (those same sins that may/may not be unpardonable), he wants to leave God out of it. Does this guy just make things up as he goes along?
Quote #9
I don't believe in God, Sir.
Then it will be between you and me. (4.3.102)
The priest is pretty much here just to serve as an earpiece for James to spill his guts to. This is less about religion and more just about coming clean to someone. Anyone. And maybe spilling his guts to a real person instead of to an invisible God is more beneficial to James.